Combining our love of flowers and fishing
LOCAL: (250) 498-0088

Best Sellers
Sending flowers but having trouble deciding on the perfect arrangement? Best Sellers are a great choice for you. No matter what the occasion or who you are sending to, let Blooms and Fins, Inc. help you find what you're looking for in the Best Sellers section. Call or click today!
Floral Best Seller Designer's Choice in Oliver, BC | Blooms and Fins, Inc.
Floral Best Seller
Designer's Choice
Our best-selling flowers are the best for a reason, so we’ve decided to put them all together in a flower arrangement that speaks volumes! Our expert designers will create a bouquet of joy that will brighten anyone’s day. Send flowers just because with our Designer’s Choice Best Sellers arrangement!
Shown at $95.00
Shown at $95.00
Best Sellers Special Designer's Choice in Oliver, BC | Blooms and Fins, Inc.
Best Sellers Special
Designer's Choice
Our best-selling flowers deserve to be showcased. Our expert designers have beautifully arranged our most popular florals into a bright bouquet for any occasion! Send these blooms to someone special just to show them how much you care. Our Weekly Special Best Sellers will do the trick!
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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